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Elena Parovel bianchera olio extravergine triesteIn 2003 the oil journalist, or oleologist as he likes to be called, and director of the magazine Teatro Naturale Luigi Caricato, devoted to Elena a great interview whose contents are still very valid today, with the theme of the ethics of production back in vogue. Below there's a brief excerpt of the interview.

How long have you been involved in agriculture and with what results?
I am the fourth generation. Our company was founded at the end of '800 with my great-great grandfather. I work full-time since 1991. As a child I followed my parents in the vineyards and in the olive groves. A satisfactory outcome in economic terms; in Trieste Karst it is not easy: we need passion and tenacity with specific aims.

Are you happy, puzzled or worried?
I am satisfied because the consumer has finally realized that the quality of food becomes health. This allows agriculture to have a long life!

Why has the rural world lost centrality and importance in recent decades?
Well, the agri-food industries have contributed their bit, but I think the rural world has always remained firmly rooted to their handicrafts, which, fortunately, are re-emerging.

Do you believe that the agricultural sector will still remain a primary sector in Italy?
Yes. For the many territorial peculiarities.

And why did you choose to work in agriculture?
I can not say I have chosen: I was simply born into a family of farmers. And I stay there because I like the contact with the earth, its natural mystery.

An adjective to define the agricultural world?

An adjective to define the professional associations instead?
Useful in various circumstances. If too partisan, they may get confused and even may hurt the entire sector.

A watchword for tomorrow's agriculture?
Keeping up with the times!

If you were to advise a friend to invest in agriculture, which production sector would you suggest?
Undoubtedly the olive growing.

Who do you believe could be a role model among farmers?
There are many, though, the thing they have in common is important: wanting to maximize their product / service above the average reaching quality at 360°.

Is there an agriculture minister to whom you’d express full appreciation?
None yet.

Product certifications are really useful to the consumer or confuse it?
They are very useful if you control all stages of the supply chain.

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