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natale 2017 addobbi parovel trieste

A couple days more and Parovel will start its Christmas Showroom in Zona Artigianale Dolina, in San Dorligo della Valle, Trieste.

All Parovel products are awaiting you here: the indigenous wines of Barde cru line, the sparkling Kamje, the warm E2P olives bitter liqueur, perfect witha chocolate cake.. And then the extra virgin olive oils Mackè, RoZò and Ul’ka.

But not only, you can also choose the Trieste traditional cakes and other products from the Karst to enrich your present packs.

So come pay us a visit from 27th November onwards in Zona Artigianale Dolina 546, San Dorligo della Valle, to choose your Christmas presents.

Parovel carries out home deliveries.

Autumn has come and with him all meeting opportunities with our family, our land and and our products!


And here they are Parovel Autumn Events 2017: from new oil to guided tastings the extra virgin olive oils Mackè, RoZò e Ul’ka, to new wine at the Winery to the traditional Trieste Osmiza.

NEW OIL AT THE OIL MILL at our Oil Mill in Zona Artigianale Dolina

SUNDAYS: 22th and 29th October, 12th November

Direct purchase from 10:00 to 16:00

Guided tasting (upon booking) with the following timetables: 10:30, 11:30, 12:30

SATURDAYS: 28th October, 4th and 18th November

Direct purchase from 15:00 to 18:00

AUTUMN OSMIZA from 3rd to 12th November at the Winery in Bagnoli della Rosandra

With the new wine, the typical Karst snack with the cold cuts, the olives of the house and the artisanal cheeses from the Karst. 

From Monday to Friday: 17:00 - 23:00 / Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 - 23:00

BAKUS DAY Saturday, 11th November always at the Winery

The Osmiza gets even more cheered up with the Bakus Day, the party that honors the god of wine, right on Saint Martin's day. From 21:00 live music with the “Kraški Ovčarji” band for a pop-Balkan night and at 23:00 the long awaited election of the Parovel Bakus 2017!

For organizational reasons booking is kindly requested

And finally..

Parovel Christmas 2017  from November 27th at our headquarter in Zona Art. Dolina. You can choose your presents among the cru line Barde wines, pur extra virgin olive oils and other delicacies of the territory. The pictures are on line here on the website in the Gallery. We await your visit at the showroom. 

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