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Parovel Blog

Agosto Moglie Mia Non Ti Conosco Parovel TriesteSmall stories and reflections with a small portion of Pupkin Kabarett

“The life of every individual, if we survey it as a whole and in general, and only lay stress upon its most significant features, is really always a tragedy, but gone through in detail, it has the character of a comedy.” (A. Schopenhauer)

Perhaps it is precisely by this concept of the philosopher and German aphorist that Laura Bussani and Alessandro Mizzi got unknowingly inspired when they started to write their first "radio dramas of a couple” that in time become a "cult" of the evenings of Pupkin Kabarett. An evening full of good taste and elegance where a small portion of the most irreverent cabaret of Venezia Giulia will intersperse some of their most famous stories of couples with other characters and everyday stories accompanied by the amazing accordion of Stefano Bembi.

With their dramas they boast of having made many couples separate until then not undergoing a crisis.

The event is to FREE ENTRY. However, for those wishing to dine with the products of the osmiza reservation of seats it is recommended.

Info & booking: +39.346.759.0953 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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