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Parovel Blog
Blog - 28/03/2016

Are you looking for an idea for the picnic on Easter Monday?

So we tell you a very simple but yummy one to tuck into your basket: Mackè ... Prague! Cake with cooked ham and extra virgin olive oil Mackè. You may have seen the pictures of the recipe on the new Mackè extra virgin olive oil bottles at the supermarket, the new recipelabels present easy recipes for everyday cooking suggested by the food blogger Alessandra Colaci. In particular, this savory cake is perfect for outdoor dining on Easter Monday, you can prepare it in advance and is easily portable.

Enjoy your meal and Easter Monday!

Blog - 25/03/2016

Pasqua parovel olio vino trieste

Born original!

Our best wishes for a Happy Easter from all of us Parovel hoping to keep you company on the festive table settings.

* Srečne Velikonočne Praznike dragi priatelij! * Happy Easter to all of you! * Frohe Ostern allen Freunden!

Blog - 16/03/2016

Elena Parovel oliveti Le Palme festivit Trieste

It is a well-established tradition of very old date. Every year on the Palm Sunday, many churches in the province of Trieste will be decorated and give you the olive tree branches. Among the major suppliers of olive branches is Parovel that gives each year branches of bianchera, a typical olive tree of the Trieste area with the characteristic helical leaf. "We are delighted that parts of our bianchera trees remain throughout the year in the houses of Trieste, it is an additional way to strengthen the relationship with the territory," says Elena, here with just a bundle of branches ready to be shipped. The olive tree is a symbol of peace and it is nice to be cultivators of peace.

Blog - 21/03/2016


The Interregional Championship of Olive Tree Pruning recently held in Grezzana (Verona) crowned our Karmen Stepan Parovel the winner of the challenge.

The championship is open to all technicians and operators, but also to all fans, from all over the Italian territory, in terms of professional skills acquired in the care and preservation of the olive tree heritage existing on the territory. People living outside the regions of Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige and Friuli Venezia Giulia may also participate. This license shall be valid as a pre - selection at the 14th National Championship "Golden Scissors" which Karmen and our production manager Euro Parovel have been attending for years. This league obviously represents one more opportunity to discuss with colleagues on olive growing and to meet new and old friends.

Blog - 10/03/2016

Poje Malvasia Barde Parovel TriesteSunday 13 and Monday, March 14 the Hotel Slovenia in Portorose (Slovenia) will host the third edition of the Festival of Malvasia with awards, workshops and laboratories. As explained by the journalist Liliana Savioli on Italia a Tavola "Some sources report that already in 1300 there was the cultivation of Malvasia in Istria. Therefore since 1998 the Association of Slovenian Istria winegrowers organizes one of the biggest international events to spread wine culture and the strengthening of viticulture and winemaking in this part of Slovenia and the Mediterranean. "

Among the many winegrowers present there will be also Parovel with its Istrian Malvasia, a native of the wine grape variety Karst-Kras.
Of ancient Greek origin, Malvasia has earned a particularly prominent place. It is a fairly adaptable vine but greatly thankful to the sun, which produces a fruity and slightly aromatic wine, straw-yellow color, open and complex nose on exotic ripe fruit and fresh flowers. The Istrian Malvasia Parovel leaves a full and fresh mouth centered on the fruit and the thick cream with a final touch of citrus, harmonious and typical and a clean, long finish. It is recommended with meats, fish, soups or white meats.
The Istrian Malvasia Parovel named PÔJE derived affirmation "ona poje" that in Slovenian means "she sings," because our Malvasia is a pleasantly full and very expressive wine, rich of melodious aromaticity.

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