vinitaly, cantine-aperte, degustazione-vino, produttori-vino, extravergini-d-oliva, presidio-slow-food, open-cellars, wine-tasting, wine-producers, evo-oils, slow-food-safeguard, olio-extravergine-trieste, storie-enogastronomiche, val-rosandra, vendemmia, terra-madre, salone-del-gusto, torino, ul-ka, weinerlebnisse-triest, wein-tasting-trieste, olive-oil-tasting-trieste, weinverkostung-triest, oliven-oel-verkostung-trieste, weinverkostung, olio-d-oliva-trieste, degustazioni-di-olio-d-oliva, cena-in-vigna, wine-experience, verticale, malvasiaistriana, carso, valrosandra, refosco, olio-nuovo, frantoio, oliven-ol-kaufen, olmuhle, oilmill, bora, vigneti, inverno, vinicarso, doccarso, pasqua2020, vinidelcarso, olio-extravergine-di-oliva, olio-bianchera, tergeste-dop, flosolei, cantinavini, cantinatrieste, osmiza, all-aria-aperta, trieste-wine-tasting, trieste-degustazione-di-vini, picnic-domenicale, picnic, veesperienza-di-vendemmia, weekend, discovertrieste, ollio-nuovo-trieste, olive-oil-producers-trieste, olio-novello, frantoio-trieste, olio-parovel, natale-trieste, consegne-natale-trieste, natale-domicilio-trieste, vini-domicilio-trieste, olio-extravergine-domicilio-trieste, natale-domicilio-friuli-venezia-giulia, olio-domicilio-friuliveneziagiulia, vini-natale, olio-natale, bestwishes, auguri, srecno, grusse, olioparovel, fondazione-italiana-fegato, asugi, salute-e-benessere, vinibuoniditalia, slowwine, derfeinschmeckerolioawards, gamberorosso, bardeparovel, mackeparovel, potatura, potaturaviticarso, rugiada, brina, triestedintorni, vines, vineyardscarso, carsowinearea, parovelwine, parovelcarso, vinitrieste, viniparovel, ibuprofene, proprieta-antidolorifiche, oleocantale, antinfiammatorio, ippocrate, medicina, fegato, paroveltrieste, elena-parovel, deborah-bonazza, natalia-rosso, claudio-tribelli, crescita, accessibile-a-tutti, gary-beauchamp, ricerca, oleocanthal, research, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hippocrates, healthy-lifestyle, liquore-alle-olive-trieste, liquore-parovel-trieste, amaro-trieste-parovel, infuso-di-erbe-parovel, amaro-alle-olive, amaro-olive-liquor, olive-liquor-trieste, grappa-olive-liquor-trieste, liquor-parovel, liquor-trieste, grappa-liquor-trieste, parovelvignetioliveti1898, parovel1898, feuerbach, noi-siamo-quello-che-mangiamo, oliotergeste, olio-italiano, olio-evo, triestesocial, liver, incorrect-lifestyle, extravirgin-olive-oil, stagni, biodiversita, biodiversity, olive-grove, ulka-parovel, parovel-olive-oil, movimento-turismo-vino, terrano, osmize-com, osmize-aperte-oggi, osmica, glinscica, harvest, pic-taste, fvg, osmiza-trieste, trst, goldenstar, imabarde, vinotrieste, vendita-vino-trieste, vendita-olio-trieste, andrea-andolina, a-colloquio-con-rossella, regali-natale, natale2021, vino-natale, buon-anno-2022, happy-new-year-2022, sreo-novo-leto-2022, degustazioni-vino, vite-carso, creativaeventitrieste, odioilbrodo, art-taste, audacetrieste-underwaterwine, proseccodoctrieste, mackevini, contimetrieste
Parovel Blog

Articles with TAG: weinverkostung

  • How was the 2020 at Parovel?

    The sure thing is that the year 2020 will be unforgettable! And like every year at the end of the year at Parovel we retrace the life of the last 12 months to put the most important events of the year that ends in the drawer of memory.
    The first event we remember is linked to our continuous research and desire for innovation and is the new immage of Mackè wines inspired by the wild animals of our territory. Each wine is represented by an inhabitant of our woods so on the bottles, which you can buy in the best shops of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, you will find the fox paired with the red Refosco, the lynx with Cabernet, the hare with the white Malvasia, the squirrel with Vitovska, the bear with Terrano, the green woodpecker with Sauvignon, the hedgehog with Pinot Bianco and the deer with Merlot. With this new project, we also wanted to launch the new Macké Terroir line.
    The Spring closure with the general lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic made us meet friends, wine lovers and customers in a different way with online tastings with friends from all over the world. The fact that people could not move much from home meant that we moved more with the intensification of our delivery service. Then Summer finally arrived with its wonderful opening days of the cellar with our thematic tastings, days that opened our hearts after so many months away from friends. Friends who gathered around us in an extraordinary embrace when in August we had to say goodbye to Zoran forever. We did it his way, with a party, sure that he too was there with us to celebrate life: his was jovial, courageous, tenacious and far-sighted and we continue in his well-traced path.
    In fact, along this path 2020 has given us back wine and olive oil of good quality and quantity. Sun and Bora happily accompanied our days and we are satisfied with what we have put in the cellar to rest, after a successful olive oil season and which, year after year, gives us so much satisfaction.

    Therefore we thank you: the purchases in the local area allows to create work and raise the fruits of your tarritory and you have been many to trust us. In addition to the affection of the territory, official awards have also arrived: our monovarietal of bianchera UL'KA has been included with excellent rating in the International Guide Flos Olei, in the national guide of Italian Oils of Slow Food, has been reconfirmed as a Slow Food Presidium and Der Feinschmecker Olio Awards sanctioned it as "one of the best olive oil 2020", one of the best 2020 extra virgin olive oils. And the wine was not far behind: in fact, we record the inclusion of the Barde Parovel line in the Good Wines of Italy guides, Slow Wine by Slow Food and Vini d'Italia by Gambero Rosso.
    And then in the family this Fall we celebrated Martina, who began her specialization to also become a vine pruner, following in the footsteps of dad Euro. We like to put good energy into circulation and as the territory supports Parovel, we support the territory through the cultural, artistic and sporting associations that operate there and also this year we have made our contribution with pleasure. So let's close this long 2020 and look forward to 2021 with optimism, the pandemic has taught us a lot and therefore we have excellent intentions for the year to come. Happy New Year to everyone!

    Parovel Family

  • LE NOSTRE APERTURE in Cantina a Bagnoli della Rosandra - - ogni Giovedì Venerdì e Sabato

    OpenParovel A5 fronte


    Esperienze di Vino

    da maggio a ottobre ogni

    giovedì e venerdì  > 17:00 - 21:00

    sabato  > 10:00 - 15:00

    info: +39 3467590953

    da Trieste: in auto (15 min) / in bus linee 40 e 41 (35 min)

    Ad ogni appuntamento è aperto anche il nostro SHOP CORNER per i vostri acquisti.


    Un plaid, un calice di vino, annate d’archivio, ricercati stuzzichini da assaporare come aperitivo o pasto leggero in cantina, tra i filari di vigna o in riva al fiume Rosandra.
    Open Parovel ti aspetta ogni settimana di Giovedì, Venerdì e Sabato per un’inusuale degustazione di vini.
    Momenti di meditazione o chiacchiere, romantici o spensierati, ma sempre all’insegna del buon vivere. 
    Vivi la tua esperienza, semplice e differente!

    Questa nuova formula di apertura della nostra cantina vi da la possibilità di degustare tutti i vini Barde e oli extravergine firmati Parovel con gustosi accompagnamenti gastronomici, come aperitivo o pasto leggero, di prodotti della regione Friuli Venezia Giulia. Dove e come degustarli... a voi la scelta! 

    Saremo ben felici di portarvi anche nella nostra barriquerie ipogea, svelarvi segreti e anneddoti e guidarvi attraverso la lunga storia della famiglia Parovel, vignaioli e olivicoltori da sempre, custodi appassionati del territorio, dal Carso all'Istria passando per la Val Rosandra e il Breg.



  • Si sale e si scende dal cielo alla terra.. Matos Nonet!

    vino carso parovel matos nonet barde

    Condividiamo con grande piacere e ringraziamo per questa descrizione che ci pare azzeccata del nostro unico vino bianco macerato Matos Nonet Barde, scritta dagli gli amici di @storiedivinofvg:

    "Un blend dal Carso, Malvasia istriana, Sauvignon e Sèmillon, dove l'eleganza e la rotondità esplodono in bocca con una tavolozza di colori bilanciando le sensazioni. Si sale e si scende dal cielo alla terra per un vino lunghissimo e pieno di sfumature. Suadente intrigante e delicato suggerisce pazienza, calma, relax e una piacevole sensazione di pienezza. Davvero notevole..."

  • Up and down from heaven to earth... Matos Nonet!

    vino carso parovel matos nonet barde
    We share with great pleasure and thank you for this apt description of our only macerated white wine Matos Nonet Barde, written by the friends of @storiedivinofvg:
    "A blend from the Karst, Istrian Malvasia, Sauvignon and Sèmillon, where elegance and roundness explode in the mouth with a palette of colors balancing the sensations. Up and down from heaven to earth for a very long wine full of nuances. Persuasive, intriguing and delicate, it suggests patience, calm, relaxation and a pleasant sensation of fullness.
    Really remarkable ... "

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